PCs are one of the most neglected devices in the home and workplace. One only concerns themselves with its well-being when either a virus takes hold, it begins to slow to the point of uselessness, or it just becomes a device that no one dare start for fear that it will only make things worse.
Taking a leaf out of our game console blog entry, things could easily be prevented if only a little maintenance were applied. A simple strip down, dust out and general clean out can make a world of difference. This applies not only to desktop PCs, but also to laptops and MacBooks. You’d be surprised how must dust accumulates inside, especially around cooling fans and heat-sinks.
This is all basic stuff, of course, and something we offer as a service to both our business customers and the general consumer.
But to delve a little deeper, the greater volume of work we receive is due to virus and spyware infections. Most people feel insecure, even helpless and to blame once subjected to such crippling things as trojans and worms and ransomware. But again, it happens to us all, even to those of us who have the greatest protection on offer. There will always be malware and viruses out there that will foil even the latest and greatest of anti-virus programs.
That’s where our services might just come in handy. We can remove whatever nasties are residing inside your operating system, whether it be Windows or MacOS. Not only that, we will speed up the way your computer runs by cleaning up files and optimising your system.
Call or contact us today to find our more!